gotta love it.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

No other words for it.The killahz brought it to the hilt.


Wednesday was pretty much a big day. I didn't sleep a blink. I had a presentation first thing in the morning... that's what grad school expects out of you... to be in a suit 8 o clock in the morning... 8 o clock!!! My hand was all sweaty and I was nervous as hell.

I didn't want to bomb... major presentations during undergrad gave me the friggin jitters. But I always had the comfort of my own language to save me when I'm searching for that English word that's just at the tip of my tongue.
It can't happen this time. The teacher wouldn't understand Taglish and had high expectations.

What happened? The lowest grade anyone can get in our group is a 90.
An A-!!!!! With our group evaluations.... the only way to go is UP!!!! Yey!!


What really surprised me though is friggin IMC. This project KILLED. We were randomly grouped and was told to be an agency working to win an account. The agency with the best campaign wins. This is APPRENTICE, ladies and gents... and the Trump we're working for is that desirable A.

Every group was working as hell. Practicing, revamping.... days and days before. Our group had high hopes. We got the lowest prelimenary grade in our first group paper. It didn't count a lot in terms of final grade but it was definitely a blow on the ego.

Ok team. Apparently, we suck. So let's get working.

We just wanted to get it over with. Bury the embarrasing B and pull off a hefty lookin' A-. But with our Marketing Management projects in the same day, we can only do so much... we met at about 3-4 times for the whole semester. The presentation was at 6:00 pm. At 2:00 pm... the slides were sent and I couldn't open it on my laptop. Our team met at about 3 pm to finalize our slides and ideas. Something the other groups have basically done two days before the presentation.

They had props. These guys went all the way. One group had VIP cards. The other group handed out free Red Bull.

We won the account. Ohmigawd. Our group was red in the face as the teacher went on and on about it.

"This presentation.. was really really great. Everything was in order.. they started with the situation analysis and went on with this research. These are our target market, these are who they are, these are what they do and here's what they want.... the ideas were great and the campaign ties everything together."

The A was a happy surprise. I still can't believe it. No one in our lil laid back group was expectin' it.

Bottom line?


mades [ 8:13 PM ]
2 happy lost cabbages

Saturday, December 11, 2004
I haven't been stressed in ages. I haven't been in an uncomfortable situation in ages. I haven't been in so much drama hoopla....

in ages.

I used to love group projects... because I know working in a team would be so much easier than working alone. It's basically my version of doing assignment between cocktails. You do what needs to be done, bitch about how silly this whole thing is, blow each other's ego coz of a job well done and rock the final presentation.

Why does everything have to be so fucking complicated in this one?!

I can't believe how silly these things are. Really. I feel like I'm working with a sorority. I wonder why everyone feels not everyone has contributed equally. I just feel so stifled. Why oh why do these things have to happen in the very end? I can't believe people like these still exist. Is the word camaraderie really just a concept nowadays?

Really. really.

mades [ 10:30 PM ]
0 happy lost cabbages