gotta love it.

Saturday, January 13, 2007
I don't even know where to BEGIN in saying what happened during new years eve. Somehow, my friends paul and jessie and I had dinner and came in together at west 27th to party the night away and have breakfast until our tired bodies consume us to sleep. In other words, New York was our New Year's date.

Somehow, 4 am --- Paul ended up in Penn Station, Jesse was in Brooklyn and I--- for some weird inane reason ended up in Seacaucus New Jersey. I took a cab home to Bergenfield only to find out that I had forgotten my keys at Ate Berns place and the house --- locked, mind you-- is empty. Tick tock, it was 6:30 am... I had to sneak in our neighbor's house and use their secret key to get in the house. I ended up crashing in Junjun's bed and taking his slippers home.

Other than that --- it was a FABULOUS new years! It was 9pm - 3am open bar so I was quite smashed. It was one of those parties where you're looking at pictures and going -- how did this happen??? And yeah, there were a lot of things there that I'm still quite puzzled to begin with.

Now, I'm here in sunny California. And I'm still waiting for the magic. Or I'm still missing New York. And our fabulous threesome --- my favorite puerto rican chica and my will cupcake. Hopefully Vegas will happen. Save for the fabulous apartment I have down in Westwood and the fabulous roommates I've luckily acquired (with Jericho's help). I really don't know why I can't stop thinking about New York.

Oh well.

mades [ 11:11 AM ]
1 happy lost cabbages