gotta love it.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Someone pulled the friggin' alarm. The only thing that keeps me from cursing to hell and high water is the fact that it's Black Saturday and this is the only sacrifice I can offer God in payment for not having gone to church as long as I can remember. No matter how many rules I bend, I will always be Catholic.

Okay. So someone pulls the alarm. The loudest, most annoying buzzing noise plagues the ENTIRE building.... I'm in my trusty Mark's night gown with the socks. I yank jeans out of the friggin closet, get my friggin slippers and head down with the rest in the cold... 1:00 in the morning!!! The firetruck came in late (they always are) and takes about 10 minutes to check the ENTIRE building. Cold. Lack of sleep. Cold. Curses.

In front of the computer at about 12:00, having bailed on going to the New Hampshire for a mini-concert... I figured this was God's way of sayin' "Girl, stop shopping and stop going out, it's friggin' Good Friday, my son died and I'd appreciate a lil mournin' here". The weirdest thing is that I actually stayed home Thursday night out of my own accord, absentmindedly following rules. See how it all works out?

The same thing goes by Friday. I go to DSW with the agenda of buying things for my mom... I didn't buy a single thing for me. NOT A SINGLE THING. I spent three hours shopping for the two perfect pair of shoes for my mom. I was supposed to buy socks for myself but bailed the last minute. My body, in its tired state couldn't go on, bailing new Hampshire, I realized an hour later that it was Good Friday.

It just felt eerie how it worked out. Absentmindedly following Catholic rules. Absentmindedly being home and feeling a sense of peace.

But then someone pulls the friggin alarm.

So now I'm thinking, was the invitation to New Hampshire, God's way of warning me to be out of the house so I wouldn't have to stand in the damn cold? Did my sudden decision of not leaving manage to defy the warning?

Somewhere in the high heavens, my soul somehow messed up the signs and someone's having the time of their life laughing how ironic it all turned out.

mades [ 2:30 AM ]
2 happy lost cabbages

Thursday, March 24, 2005
You Are A Romantic

You are more romantic than 80% of the population.

You life your life like a fairy tale... or at least you try to.Living for magical moments, you believe there's only one true love for you.Love is the most important thing in your life, and you don't take it for granted.Your perfect match loves to be in love as much as you do!

Are You Romantic or Realistic?

5. keep it known to the giggly few.

once you get more people to know they'd push you to pursue it... which basically destroys all the fun
4. admire from a perfect distance
keep conversations short and keep him as an acquaintance. That'll help
keep the "kilig moments" special. There's nothing like harsh reality that ruins a crusH!
3. let him think you're friends but never be around much to actually be one.
once friendship sets in, you'd see him as your friend, not your
adorable dreamboat. Keep it simple!
2. keep the dream realistic, raising your expectations would ruin it.
It's much cooler to find new info in a spontaneous manner.
1. Cherish the crush (hah! like that sappy 80's hit eww.)
Let him know a little but don't make him so sure about it. Savor the little coversations and silly innuendos! That's what it's all about!
Keep it sweet. Keep it simple. A crush is something like what Charlize Theron's character's perception of a MONTH in Sweet November. It's long enough to be special but short enough to keep yourself out of trouble. Crushes are great reasons to get up, smile and enjoy. It's sweet enough to enjoy from a distance but may risk losing its charm when turned into something serious.
Unless you're ready to give it up and turn it something serious, keep it high school :)

mades [ 9:10 AM ]
0 happy lost cabbages

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

"Manila needs a marketing campaign"

Hell yeah. The ENTIRE country does. I don't know what they're trying to do now with WOW Philippines but looking at their website isn't much of haluwow. We didn't need supreme "eventologist" TIm Yap to prance around in his golden trenchcoat and feathered pen boa to make such a statement. (Sarcasm is welcome to be interpreted as jealousy as this major queen has the financial capacity to travel from Ibiza to the rest of Asia).

A friend of mine went to Manila during Springbreak to visit her parents (she's American). I promised her I'd email her all the wonderful shopping destinations and great beaches but the coldness of the season and the lack of technical wiring or wireless signal for lack of better terms, prevented me to do so.

I hope she had a great time though.

It just irks me how one of the most wonderfully wonderful places in the world can be such a secret. People here go way over their heads to go to Miami for the beaches and the parties the same way people in Manila go ape to go to Boracay over Lent. It's ludricous that a Catholic nation readies itself for the best parties during Holy Week.... how every chromosome in everyone's bodies ache to immerse themselves of the guiltiest pleasures known to humankind during a week supposedly devoted to lenten sacrifice.

LOVE it.

I myself have never experienced how crazy the Holy Week can be in the island of Boracay... my tickets for the island are usually reserved for late April or May even. As a tourist, I'd FLIP at the idea of this. As a Catholic tourist, I might think otherwise, but I heard the Boracay processions during Holy Week can BE a sight to see.

Puerto Galera has students and yuppies prancing around armed with tents. You don't even need a reservation to go to this beach... granted you're more than likely to see someone you know there and hint around for a quick shower in their bathroom while you lay your tent by the beach.

Verrry economical. Never done this though. I find a bathroom essential to be shared only by a group of few people. But with the 2 hour drive and the 30 minute boat ride, you really can't go wrong... you can just catch the last boat out if you're not up for roughing it... or don't sleep at all and catch the earliest one and sleep on the way home.

You might want someone you trust to watch over your things though.

Oh what I would give to get a tan with those halter lines tracing my back and my shoulders.

I am so pale. Lost without my 7,107 islands during summer....what's a girl to do? Vigan days, Boracay nights, Galera afternoons and mga hapon sa Panglao.

Cebu, Dakak, Greenbelt, Ruins.

Geez.... what werre they thinking? Manila is a homing paradise!

Crazy politics, traffic so jammed it's not even funny and hot hot weather set aside... I'm sure I'd think otherwise when I'm there... I have the attention span of a six year old so it seems.

It must be the cold.

mades [ 9:33 AM ]
1 happy lost cabbages

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Life just surprises you with it's little quirks.


To my CRAZY best friend, Dan, who's getting married this month... who knew you'd be the first?!

I knew this was gonna happen, and even when i got that annoying text message of yours (6:00 in the morning , sorry for being a grouch, i didn't need to wake up til 7).. i already knew what the news was gonna be about.. i think i knew it was bound to happen since you started going on about him when you were on a connecting flight home and you called me on my cell. But OHMIGAWD!!! I was still friggin surprised, SHOCKED, ASTOUNDED, STUNNED to my very core.

I know everyone's probably thinking how crazy you are, I can imagine Tito Charles in misfit frustration. It really is different when you read it in fairytales, when you know only half of the character's persona or only know what the writers want you to know.. it's different when you know the person from when you were 4-5 years old, in lil angel costumes in our Nursery Christmas play.

Geez Dan, I don't know what to say... I think everyone's dreamed of running off and getting married at least once in their lives.. I guess it just doesn't seem real until someone actually makes it real.

I honestly do not know how it could all happen so fast. As much of a fan I am of the happily ever after ending, I'm torn between being really happy for you and being HELLA scared for you.

Because it IS crazy. It IS insane. MADNESS, it really is. But I do not want to bust your happy cloud because truly, for the years we've known each other, I've never heard you talk of anyone that way before. But then, each and everytime there's someone new you're in this perpetual high... so I don't really know.

But then I thought, if you really REALLY love someone... it should be so easy. You're literally blinded and don't see any consequence because everything is seen through rose colored glasses... i mean, how could marrying the person you love bring any kind of disaster right?

Honey, you don't need to look at the ratios of divorce in the countries all over the world to see this marriage as a challenge to get through. Just be happy with your man. It WILL work and it is your choice.

And even though I know we share a sense of non direction (literally ha not in life :P) I trust you feel that what you're doing's right.

I guess the reason I'm so scared for you is coz in this world of cynism, you sometimes tend to forget that this kind of stuff still happens. And when it does, you kinda have to think about it again and realize... yeah.. it IS romantic. That's why it's so crazy!

So hugs and kisses to my dear CRAZY best friend, who continually surprises us with her life choices.

I am so glad you finally found a shoe that fit.

mades [ 9:24 AM ]
2 happy lost cabbages