gotta love it.

Saturday, February 12, 2005
There's a time in your life when you realize that no matter how many things are happening, all at once in your life, it can never be wonderful as the first few experiences of something..of everything, actually. Your first crush, your first time in a plane, your first time on a bike with the balancers removed... I wish I could remember my first breathe of air or even the first time I truly saw everything...just thinking about it leaves me in shortness of breath.. especially since I just celebrated the 22nd anniversary of that event yesterday.

I always find it a shame that a baby has to keep his/her eyes shut most of the time on their first few days on earth... when there's so much brilliance to absorb.. and not even know about it. I just read from someone ages beyond his years that life indeed can still be predetermined...that we made our choices before we came into being and are living our choices right now.

As I sit here in contemplative wonder, rained in what happens to be the nth romantic comedy I've watched for the day, I couldn't help but realize with all the hearts and the hoopla of valentines... with half the people hating it and half the people in breathless anticipation, that most of it are reality based fairy tales.

And erasing the cynical presumption you think I may have, I'm actually one of the few that can proudly say that fairy tales do happen... and that no matter how much you see these beautiful people fall in love on screen that you're missing all the reality of love happening around you. With the handyman going home early to buy his wife some roses, with the security personnel in the 5th floor missing his shift because he's in the waiting line of that fancy restaurant pushing for a reservation so he could propose to his girlfriend of three years... the only reason love is a big industry is because... IT STILL EXISTS. People who don't want to believe in it, hate it that they do not have it and people who love the idea of it stares in starry wonder as to how it all fits together in this cynical, cynical world.

After One Fine Day, I cannot help but MARVEL how George Clooney can be so charming and realizing I know someone exactly like that... disguised in what happens to be a dorky hat with a weird accent. With a world enveloped in the physical, you can't help but forget how much you love talking and having that flirty exchange with someone you know who's not gonna want something back. It's like sixth grade, when you both knew zilch to expect anything beyond the teasing...when holding hands were everything and having that one moment when your eyes meet over the lunch room makes your day.

Kilig moments.

Those infinite realizations that give you that natural high.

mades [ 9:51 PM ]
1 happy lost cabbages

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

to SHOP.

especially with the LOOK FOR LESS on perpetually.

and I don't get my first paycheck til February.

This is such a haunting sacrifice.

It really is LENT.

mades [ 1:11 PM ]
2 happy lost cabbages

I have just experienced my first Superbowl.

The lights, the choir, the glory that is American football.

Of course, I had to watch it. Not because every New Englander in the street started donning Patriot hats and screaming "Go for three" in the streets.

The Superbowl was every advertiser's dream. It's the time millions of agencies labored those creative hours for, attempting to reach the impossible.... which was truly impossible..unless of course, if you're Anheuser-Busche.

It was extra-ordinarily ordinary in some way. While the rest of Boston were downing beers screaming at the tv sets every time some guys topple a poor idiot who had the ball, I was enjoying a scrumptious belgian chocolate cake coupled with my favorite delish delight.. my champagne martini. I was seated on a couch by the fire. Without the rest of the bar screaming bloody murder everytime a Philly Eagle scored a touchdown.... it would have been pretty romantic.

Me, beligian chocolate and my champagne martini. (I'm in an epicurean phase.... i had a tough week, leave me alone)

Of course, I had to watch the ads. It was only a lil over spectacular. I was kind of disappointed. Brad Pitt with the Heineken, Visa with the Superheroe ad, Budlight with the pilot jumping out of the plane.... it helped me through the four hours of grueling football.

Of course, the Pats won. Didn't I tell you I lived in the hub of the universe? But we missed the moment of glory... the raffling of the friggin football helmet... the Pats hugging each other in the middle of the field... the parade went by my street. I had a better view on my window than those people on the news.

It's a real shame I don't care that much. I guess I'll never really get football. The halftime show was a snooze though. Paul Mcartney. No wardrobe malfunction there. (Thank God)

All in all, it was quite an experience. The game was great if I cared but winning another one felt fantastic. You couldn't get more sincere loyalty than Boston team aficionados. Only the Lasalle-Ateneo rivalry comes to mind as a contender. But people with gray hair and bad backs were actually there in the parade with their cameras.

They cared that much. Never mind the arthritis.

I could've been more involved, be those annoying prats in the middle of the street screaming like I did when the Red Sox won. But for once, it was a pleasure being the outsider. You could feel people's loyalty resonating in the streets.

Banners, confetti, tears.

The Pats really know how to work that crowd.

Congratulations, you guys.

mades [ 12:48 PM ]
0 happy lost cabbages