gotta love it.

Thursday, February 04, 2010
Hay 2010
Written: December 2009

I can usually control things. It is not in my nature to pay attention to all the little details but this statement is true. I can usually control things.

I can see things happening in my head and know for a fact that it will dismantle itself to happen because the possibility otherwise is somewhat impossible. I was brought up to believe that God never gives you something that you cannot handle.

This maybe why Mandela is right - our biggest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. The more powerful we are - the more challenges we can survive.

It's a fine line between weakness- of not believing you can handle a certain situation when it comes and strength- of wanting something, that you do not entertain the thought of something happening that's not within your control.

It's a delicate line to cross and somehow, I have most often than not - made it. Wanting things to happen my way - to making it happen my way has become a quarterly challenge - a swift siesta in the land of limbo - but eventually, I know the universe will give me a break.

Because things - just has to, has to, has to, HAS TO - work out.

I sometimes categorize people when I meet them according to their luck in life. There are people that things just happen to - naturally, luckily. Things have always been so easy for them and the little challenges that they face in their lives somehow doesn't manifest in their seemingly happy, easy life. They win the lottery, they live in a great house, they have a good family and they live happily ever after.

The biggest tragedy they could ever face is probably the donation of their childhood toys- luck they have, would not even let their white sneakers step on a piece of gum.

There are also those people who doesn't seem to have luck in their lives at all. That every little good thing that happens to them seem to generate into an exchange for a big disaster. In this case, if they had a good day - they would have three seemingly bad days to tip the balance to a regular.

I sometimes believe that I am a cross between these.

My seemingly bittersweet life has experienced both downfall and bliss and there are those rare times I am caught in between. Change in my life has always been crazy and unconventional. And the jumping off point is not always within a place of comfort.

But it always draws curiosity of certain possibilities.

If what they say is true, that your life is brought about your choices and wanting to tread on the mill of making it happen - then perhaps you can.

Perhaps you can transition into those lucky ones and make all the negative circumstances go away. Perhaps, when people tell you that you will only come out stronger when shit happens is when they have come upon to realize that they have found a way to have shit not come into their lives anymore.

That they have discovered a way to block off unwanted circumstances.


So this is when I play with destiny. This is when I hope and pray and summon the universe to make things happen my way.Give me a break cosmic muffin.


Let the happy news rain 2010.

mades [ 8:43 PM ]
0 happy lost cabbages

Haven't blogged for an entire year.


Well, here's an update on 2009 - in bullet points.

  • Welcomed 2009 in drunk stupor in the middle of Hollywood with my friend Jess. The end of the night/morning consists me sitting her down in front of the Jimmy Kimmel steps and hailing a cab. Thank God LA cab drivers are willing to drive to Encino ;-)
  • My love flew from Texas to LA to celebrate my birthday/ our anniversary and Valentines Day. My friend from College Yana is also visiting so that means another LA tour which includes another run through Universal Studios. Had dinner at Bungalow and went dancing the next night at Conga Room :)
  • April 2009 - my first Vegas trip. Stayed at the Tropicana to accompany Susan at Dorothy's birthday! Ended up partying at the Playboy club to celebrate Hugh Hefner's 83rd birthday as well. Woot~
  • March/June/July/August - Tina and Shi broke up...Tina and Shi made up... twas crazy times.
  • AJ and Den visited us again!
  • Memorial Day weekend..... drove to San Diego for some Jess time. I love the beach! And I love me some Jess time :)
  • October 2009 - was supposed to go to a friend's bachelorette party but the bachelorette got drunk and showed up two hours late for dinner. Was kind of bummed because had to cancel a Vegas trip for this. But then, found an $80 ticket anyway and flew there for the Justin Timberlake and friends concert. Ran into Ciara. She winked at me. ;-)
  • Hello Halloween!!!! Dressed up as Foxxy Cleopatra. The wig kinda itches.
  • November 2009- Philippines Trip with Pat, Liz, Rudi, Tina and Shi! It was all kinds of bittersweet wonderfulness. Got left back - need to get a stamp on my passport. Celebrated Christmas and New Year in Manila with my family and friends :)
Hello 2010! What a crazy crazy start! Leaving Hollywood...moving to Texas. Moving in with my love. We'll see what happens now shall we!

Texas is Texas but I'm kind of excited.

mades [ 7:38 PM ]
0 happy lost cabbages